
Episode 39 - Manifestation vs Action

Are you the kind of person who wants to take action right away when you think of creating or building something? Or do you practice attracting the things you desire and envision? 

Whichever you fall into – listen.

You can take the most beneficial action without being overwhelmed while staying in tune with your energetic vibration in trust and knowing. 

In this episode, Cara describes what extreme actioning and manifestation perception looks like and how it affects you in connecting and receiving from the Universe. She also shares ways to balance humanity and get yourself into alignment.

→ Doors are now OPEN!!!

Be sure to check out the upcoming Manifestation Magic Course and the For The Love Of Money Course, both available now.

It's time to learn to leverage and trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf and blossom into the next level of your ideas, abundance, love, success, health, joy, etc.

You are WORTH putting in the work.

Not only will you receive a special discount if you purchase these sister courses together, but you will receive the replay for the Bloom virtual retreat for FREE!!!


Episode suggestion: Joy Experiment


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Episode 15 - The Balance Between Doing and Allowing

In this episode, Cara explains how to create a playful and intuitive dance between hustle and flow. Being in a state of action may feel more productive and engaging, but can often result in overwhelmed and burnt out. By contrast, simply being present may create peace and overall satisfaction, but can result in anxious feelings around underperforming and missed opportunities. As Cara reveals, the path to balance is as unique as we are. Listen and discover how to find your rhythm moment to moment, in connection with your higher self. Stay until the end for journal prompts to help you explore further.


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