Episode 32 - Manifestation Myth Busting - You're Not Doing it Wrong.

If you have tried to manifest something and it hasn’t worked - listen to this.

If you’ve worried you’re doing it wrong, or felt like you might accidentally create something you don’t want - listen to this. 

If you feel like the information on manifestation is sometimes confusing or contradictory (you’re not wrong) and definitely listen to this!

In this episode, Cara tackles the most common manifestation misconceptions.  She calls bullshit in her irreverent loving way, on much of the strict thinking and myths out there, and she tells you how it actually works. 

Cara created the Manifestation Magic course to help you step into what is possible!

It's time to learn to trust the incredible unfolding of the Universe on your behalf.

→ Doors are now OPEN!!!

Join us for the brand new Manifestation Magic Course, find out more here:



Episode suggestion: Carving my Man Out of the Universe

Hear the personal story of Cara’s love.


Connect with Cara!

Website - https://www.caraviana.com/
Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/cara_viana/
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YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/caraviana