So it begins

So It Begins CV.jpeg

I have a lot of ideas for things I would like to write about, but this first post is a mystery to me.  Do I introduce myself?  If so, what do I say?  Is it important that I catch you up on my life up until this point?  Probably not.  But you can join me in this present moment: I am sitting on the lanai of my home in Hawaii, the sun has set and a few stars are shining.  I am sitting with my beautiful man and my sweet dog basking in how wonderful my life is.  I am feeling blessed and blissed (hmm spell check is telling me blissed is not a word, if that is true someone should remedy this immediately) today after three days of magical yoga classes.  One of which was my yoga class on Friday night.  During which a spontaneous dance part broke out, I don't think I have stopped smiling since.

With this blog it is my intention to share the tools and techniques I have learned as a meditation teacher and energy worker, as well as my own experiences.

